Yoga, breathing, rest

One activity I hear moms asking for is yoga for moms or yoga for mommy and baby. This week a few moms were talking about their recovery from birth and how their bodies feel sore and stiff. Carrying car seats, bending down to pick up baby, feeding baby, and all the ways our bodies shift and change during pregnancy lead to the need to open up, stretch, move. We talked about how long it can take for a woman’s body to recover from birth - often at least a full year. Rest and tending to our emotional and physical needs are so crucial. The irony may be that if you want to speed up the recovery time, then self-care and rest more.

I have been loving yoga for many years, several times a week. Practicing at home, with my friends Adriene and Benji, has been a game changer for my physical and mental well-being. This all started during COVID, when in person yoga classes were not possible. So, I’ve compiled a few at home yoga practices that I hope will be helpful, short and sweet for mommies.

Yoga Breathing | Alternate Nostril Breathing 11 minutes

Legs Up The Wall - Foundations of Yoga 7 minutes

Yoga For Beginners - A Little Goes a Long Way 19 minutes

10-Minute Yoga For Self Care 10 minutes

Yoga For Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back 11 minutes

Yoga For Comfort And Nourishment 25 minutes

Yoga For When You Are Feeling Unmotivated 20 minutes

Yoga For Upper Back Pain 12 minutes

Also, Motherly Love Wellness in Sandwich offers yoga classes for moms and babies as well as Yoga of Yarmouthport offers Mommy and Me yoga on Sunday mornings with Marty. Please email me if you know of other great yoga classes on the Cape specifically for moms.

And please remember - taking time to slow down and rest is best. Add rest to your To Do list!

(photo credit - Image by senivpetro on Freepik)

Becky Fischer

Cape Cod Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor nurturing families on the Lower and Outer Cape

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