How do we know when baby is hungry?
Babies tell us so much with their body language. I met with a couple moms this week who are focusing on the ideal times to feed their baby. Whether baby happily feeds on breastmilk or formula, the hunger cues are the same. There is often a progression of cues that a baby provides, and the earlier we recognize them, often the more efficient and peaceful the meal is for mom and baby.
I don’t know about you, but I get HANGRY. With some hypoglycemia issues as well my incredible shift in mood when I am hungry, I have finally learned the critical need to have snacks on hand. Sometimes when I would feel most frustrated as a young mom with babies, I would later recognize that I hadn’t eaten in too many hours.
Well, I suspect babies can feel HANGRY in a similar way. Once a baby is crying with hunger, the scene can feel more stressful for the parent and the baby, and often the actual feeding is less efficient and successful. Babies exert a lot of energy while crying, and so a crying, hungry baby is more apt to fall asleep during the feeding and perhaps not fill their tummy. Which means they will be hungry again sooner.
Babies are also similar to us in that sometimes they feel hungry for a snack (apple) and other times a hearty meal (cheeseburger). They are basing their hunger on how they feel, not on what the clock says.
So, what are the cues? Every baby is unique, so each baby will show their own combination of these cues.
REM sleep - rapid eye movement - when baby is in a light sleep, their eyes are moving under their eyelids - some consider this the ideal time to feed a baby. So if you are debating whether to wake a baby to feed, wait for this REM sleep stage that typically occurs about every 30 minutes and babies spend about 40% of their sleep in REM stage.
Rooting - baby turning head, with mouth open looking for food
Smacking their lips or sticking out their tongue
Flexing arms and legs, hands in fists
Sucking on own hands or really anything in search of food source
As the baby becomes hungrier (and maybe frustrated), they will become fussy and cry
Again, the calmer the baby feels, the more successful and often quicker the feeding will be. Their tummy will become full. Versus an upset baby who tires from feeling hungry and upset and only fills some of their tummy before conking out.
So how do we know when a baby is full? Babies express this also! They will release the nipple, or pull away from the bottle. Amazingly, their cute little hands will open and relax. They will appear satiated - happy and content. And how else do we know? Mom may feel relieved to have a calm, full, and sleepy baby. Early Baby Hunger Cues
(picture credit from Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital)