Family Traditions

When a baby arrives, and a family unit grows and changes, it can be an opportunity to create new family traditions. Some traditions are passed down through generations, and some are brand new and unique to that young family. During a MOMS group, we were discussing family traditions that moms hoped to instill with their new babies. I also reached out to friends to learn about their traditions. Perhaps these will inspire you to create a new tradition:

~ On Valentine’s Day, making homemade Valentine’s for each child and reading them out loud at dinner.

~ At a meal, sharing something you feel grateful for that day.

~ On Mother’s Day, mom gets breakfast in bed with flowers (or decorative weeds) from outside.

~ At bedtime, say the same goodnight message such as, “good night, sleep tight, wake up in the morning nice and bright”.

~ On the first day of each month, leave a little love note for child on the bathroom mirror.

~ On a special day each year, have breakfast for dinner!

~ Every year before Christmas dinner, this family has a huge nerf gun fight for good fun.

~ On Christmas Eve at our house, the kids bring sleeping bags into our bedroom and sleep on the floor.

~ On her son’s birthday, this mom takes her son on the same special hike to see his growth from being carried, to crawling, to walking, to hiking.

~ On child’s birthday, decorate their bedroom door with streamers, balloons, etc.

~ On the special day each year (spring, first day of school. last day of school) go out for celebratory ice cream.

~ When a child loses a tooth, the tooth fairy writes a note thanking them for a recent act of kindness.

~ One family decorates their jeep for each holiday and drives kids around listening to silly music.

If you have a family tradition you’d like to share, please share with me!

Becky Fischer

Cape Cod Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor nurturing families on the Lower and Outer Cape

Postpartum doulas on Cape Cod


The Infant Feeding Journey